Just nu håller Wift island på att starta upp dorismanifestet på Island. Här nedan kan ni läsa en kort text skriven av Dögg Mósesdóttir som är ansvarig för projektets uppstart där.

”Wift in Iceland has launched the Doris Film project in Iceland. The project is supported by the Ministry of education in Iceland. The script writing competition was launched in february and the deadline was postponed from the 1st of May to the 7th since a lot of women were asking for a little more time to apply. The competition resulted in 102 applications, which exceeded the organisers wildest dreams since Iceland’s entire population consist of roughly 326.000 inhabitants. The jury will be put together by Icelandic and Norwegian producers and will select 10 script ideas to be developed into scripts for the next selection. Only five scripts will remain at the end of the competition and will go into the production process. Wift in Iceland is currently looking for collaborators in Norway.

Anyone interested in participating in any way in the project can contact Doris Film in Iceland project manager, Dögg Mósesdóttir (”

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